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Stretchy Band Replacement Tubing

Stretchy Band Replacement Tubing


Since the start of Bear Paw Creek in 2000, we occasionally have customers call or message us reporting tubing inside of their Stretchy Band breaking. Due to the nature of the latex and latex free rubber, it does unfortunately age and break down with use.

Rather than having to purchase a brand new Stretchy Band, you can purchase a replacement tubing directly from Bear Paw Creek to fix your Stretchy Band. You can choose between either latex or latex free tubing and can also decide if you would like to send the band back to us for repair or, choose to fix it yourself.

Scroll down to the description for more details about each repair option.

Unless you or your students have a latex allergy that requires the use of latex free tubing, we recommend using the regular latex as it has proven to be more durable than the latex free simply because of how it is made. The two product images show the latex vs latex free. The thinner, orange tubing is latex free. The thicker, cream colored tubing is the regular latex.

Here is what each option entails:

Fix Your Own Stretchy Band: 

With this option, you will select what type of tubing you prefer along with the size of your Stretchy Band. You will be charged for the replacement tubing as well as a $10 flat rate shipping fee to have it sent to you (unless you order other Bear Paw Creek products and your order is over $75, which would qualify for free shipping).  The cost of the tubing when selecting the “Fix Your Own Stretchy Band” option is lower than the “Send to Bear Paw Creek Repair Shop” option since you are doing the labor of replacing the tubing. Instructions on how to replace the tubing will be included. If you run into any issues when trying to replace it or need help answering any questions, we are more than happy to help.

Send to Bear Paw Creek Repair Shop: 

With this option, you will select what type of tubing you prefer along with the size of your Stretchy Band. You will be charged for the replacement tubing along with a $10 flat rate shipping fee which pays for the shipping label to send the Stretchy Band back to you after we have replaced the tubing (unless you order other Bear Paw Creek products and your order is over $75, which would qualify for free shipping). After making your replacement tubing purchase, take the Stretchy Band in need of repair to your local Post Office and have it shipped to the address below. We will replace the tubing, mail it back to you, and you will be good to go for your next music and movement time.

All Stretchy Bands being sent back to us can be mailed to:

  • Bear Paw Creek
    PO Box 193
    Miller, MO 65707

Please know that we stand behind all of our products and guarantee them for one year after purchase. If you have any issues with the Stretchy Band within the first year, please contact us at or 417-823-0259 and we will be sure to fix the issue at no cost to you.


Stretchy-Band-for-Music-Therapy-Early-Childhood-Music-and-LearningHere, Rachel Rambach from Music Therapy Connections and Listen & Learn Music, shows how she uses the Bear Paw Creek Stretchy Band as a music therapy prop during a group music class.

How to fix it?

Fix Your Own Stretchy Band, Send to Bear Paw Creek Repair Shop


Personal, Small, Medium, Large, XL


Latex, Latex Free


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