
Our Blog on Creative Music and Movement Products

Since 2000, Bear Paw Creek has been designing and manufacturing creative movement props, bags and totes for instruments.  We hope our blog will inspire teachers, therapists, and parents as they seek to enrich the live  of others through music and movement.


Patriotic Sensory Table Play For Toddlers and Preschool Listening Lessons

Patriotic Sensory Table for Home or Classroom

Patriotic Sensory Table for Home or Classroom Children learn through their senses and a sensory table is filled with materials that help stimulate a child’s senses  It’s easy to create a sensory table for your home or classroom.  When I was a teacher I always […]

Lynn Kleiner's The Waves Movement Song with the Stretchy Band or Creative Movement Scarves

Lynn Kleiner’s “The Waves” and the Stretchy Band

Lynn Kleiner’s “The Waves” Movement Song with the Stretchy Band A few years ago I took Lynn Keiner’s Music Rhapsody Online Teacher Program Course. I loved it and learned so much! I’m going to share more about her program and also a song to use […]

Music Egg Shakers Multi Sensory Learning Tool for Preschoolers Laurie Berkner Band I Know A Chicken

Music Egg Shakers: Multi Sensory Learning Tool for Preschoolers

Music Egg Shakers: Multi Sensory Learning Tool for Preschoolers While many preschoolers learn the most through play and hands-on activities, using preschool musical instruments will also make a difference in the way that they learn. In this post you will learn about how Nana Carol […]

Bear Paw Creek Blog Post Train Themed Music and Movement Circle Time Activity Ideas Best Circle Time Activities Parents Children Educators Montessori Homeschooling

Children’s Circle Time Train Themed Music Movement Children’s Books

Children’s Circle Time Train Themed Music Movement Do you have a child that loves trains?  I have always had a special love of trains that started with my Dad’s Lionel train set he would set up in our basement.  I also enjoyed going to train […]

Arts integration is an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate UNDERSTANDING through an ART FORM

Why Arts Integration?

Why Arts Integration? Have you heard about Arts integration?  It’s “all the rage” these days.  So what’s all the fuss about?  Before we get into the deets, let’s talk about what arts integration is. The Kennedy Center’s CETA Program (Changing Education Through the Arts) has […]

Children's Music and Movement Activities for Valentines Day from Bear Paw Creek Music and Movement Products

Children’s Music and Movement Activities for Valentines Day

Children’s Music and Movement Activities for Valentines Day Valentine’s Day inspires many different children’s music and movement activities ideal for the classroom and at home. With the nature of the holiday being love and kindness, this presents the perfect opportunity to share some love in […]

Dr. Robert Amchin Orff Method Stretchy Band Music Education Teachers

Robert Amchin and the Stretchy Band

Dr. Robert Amchin Showcases the Stretchy Band, Creative Movement, Orff Method I’m always on the look for music and movement activities to share with you and a few years ago I came across a video by  Dr. Robert Amchin with the stretchy band.  Since that […]


Let’s Play Music Singable Books and More

Let’s Play Music Singable Books and More A few months ago Shelle Soelberg from Let’s Play Music said…hey let’s do a giveaway in February together! The result? This giveaway that includes literacy activities for preschoolers, music, and new wipeable bean bags. Below, I’ll share more […]

Children's Music Movement Activities Products Songs by Ed Music Education Connect-a-Stretchy Band Childcare Directors

Stretchy Band Music Movement Activities with Ed Barry’s Rowing Down the Stream

Stretchy Band Music Movement Activities A few months ago, Ed Barry, from Songs by Ed reached out to share a new song he had written, “Rowing Down the Stream.”  He thought it might be a good fit to use with our creative movement props.  As […]

Check out BPC's student kits

Beyond Online Music Learning: Recent Interviews Indicate That Props Can Enhance Fun and Facilitate Personal Connection in the Virtual Learning Environment

Online music learners can connect with each other and have more fun when they use props.

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