Back to School Giveaway Part 2 - Plus a Bonus Sale!
We have drawn our winner for the first back to school giveaway and are excited to launch the second one. This is a first for us at Bear Paw Creek since we normally do one big giveaway in August. However, we had so many amazing donations from our friends so we decided to split it up into two giveaways.
Plus, this second giveaway is open to both the USA and to all of our INTERNATIONAL friends!
We also experienced some website issues in the first week of our 20% off sale. Thank you to those of you who reached out to and told us. We apologize for any issues you may have had and know how annoying that can be!
Because of those issues, we are bringing back our 20% off sale one more time. This offer is valid August 17th through August 21st! Use code: 20FOR2022
Starting on August 22nd we will have our final sale of 10% off using the code: 10FOR2022
Keep reading to get all the details about our second giveaway on music education tools.

The Goods!
We have seven amazing items being given away this go around and are so thankful to our friends for collaborating with us. The prizes included have been donated by:
- Music for Kiddos
- Bow Tie Music
- Music Therapy Joy
- Dynamic Lynks
- Creative Therapy Umbrella
- Music Therapy Ed
- Bear Paw Creek
And, here is what each person donated:
- Music For Kiddos' brand new songwriting course by the amazing Laurie Berkner
- Bow Tie Music's Favorite Resource Bundle
- A one year subscription to the Music Therapy Joy eBox
- Winner's choice! The winner will get to pick one of Dynamic Lynks courses
- Creative Therapy Umbrella's Teen Jumbo Packet: Interventions & Visuals
- One gift card from Music Therapy Ed worth $100
- $150 gift to Bear Paw Creek
For more details on each item in this giveaway and the link to enter, keep reading!
Enter our SECOND back to school giveaway and get our BONUS coupon codes! Share on X
Laurie Berkner’s Early Childhood Songwriting Masterclass is a video course featuring one of the most successful early childhood songwriters of all time. Hear it directly from Laurie: She shares her tried-and-true songwriting strategies for creating songs that celebrate children, capture attention, and invite kids to participate in their own way.
This course walks you through Laurie’s process and leaves you with strategies that you can use to support your own clients and students during music. It’s a creative launch-pad that gives you dozens of ideas and concrete songwriting tools that can be immediately implemented in your work.
Do you have something specific on your Bear Paw Creek wishlist? A Stretchy Band, Bean Bags, Scarves, or maybe some Streamers?
This time we have decided to give away one $150 gift card! That way the winner will be able to choose the item(s) they have been wanting to have.
Are you feeling out of ideas with your tweens and teens? Do you want to freshen up what you are bringing into sessions or the classroom? Then this bundle is for you!
With 15 different interventions and/or visuals, this bundle includes over 70 pages of goodies that you can bring into your sessions immediately! This bundle will help you support tweens and teens with goal creation, values exploration, anxiety, depression, flexibility, coping skill development, creative expression, rapport development and more. Learn more here.
Dynamic Lynks provides comprehensive therapeutic sessions and groups to spark growth, development, and discovery in individuals of all ages and abilities. Through affirming and client-centered practices, they give every individual the opportunity to succeed without intimidation or isolation. Dynamic Lynks emphasizes the importance of parent and client education, taking you from stress to success with holistic help and hope. You will be able to pick your own item from their shop!
A Music Therapy Joy eBox is a DIGITAL file full of strategy descriptions, printables and songs! In addition to the printables, the eBox also includes paperless visual supports such as music videos, google slides, and more!
Your first month, you get a greeting song + a goodbye song to help with transitions (use this as your greeting/goodbye songs each month) PLUS, each month the Music Therapy Joy e-Box will include 5 additional songs and strategies to address a variety of goals in a theme each month.
Music Therapy Ed believes that music therapists are leaders in healthcare, and with the right knowledge and tools you can achieve success in your career. Music therapy truly is a dream job for most of us – what better combination than applying our musicianship to health and healing? If you feel like this career is more of a calling than an occupation, check them out.
This is a collection of Bow Tie Music's four favorite resources:
This Bundle includes the following resources: