Chiffon Scarves for Early Childhood Learning and Play Lately, Maddie has been obsessed with her Bear Paw Creek chiffon scarves. She truly plays with them every day. I keep them in the bag Janet sent them in and I hang that bag on a peg […]
Our Blog on Creative Music and Movement Products
Since 2000, Bear Paw Creek has been designing and manufacturing creative movement props, bags and totes for instruments. We hope our blog will inspire teachers, therapists, and parents as they seek to enrich the live of others through music and movement.

Winter Sensory Integration Activities for Toddlers
Winter Sensory Integration Activities for Toddlers Although we have only seen a dusting of snow, winter has arrived in Massachusetts. My granddaughter, Maddie, is now 22 months old. Maddie was just a tiny baby last winter, so she doesn’t remember snow, as far as we […]

Wrist Bells Are A Fun Christmas Music Therapy Prop
Wrist Bells Are A Fun Christmas Music Therapy Prop Now that Maddie is 21 months old, she is playing with her bean bags, egg shakers, and bells from Bear Paw Creek more and more often. Winter and Christmas make me think of bells so today […]

Making Music As A Family With Musical Instruments
Making Music as a Family Musical instruments have always helped to instill a sense of rhythm in a child, but did you knowthat they also help to cultivate social skills? When used in tandem with play, musical instrumentshelp encourage skills like collaboration and taking turns. […]

How to Use a Stretchy Band For Creative Movement
How To Use a Stretchy Band for Creative Movement A guest post by Stephanie Leavell from Music For Kiddos Have you ever used a Stretchy Band? The Stretchy Band by Bear Paw Creek is one of my *favorite* creative movement props for early childhood music […]

Fall Themed Sensory Table With Preschool Song Activities and Books
Fall Themed Sensory Table With Preschool Song Activities and Books It’s officially Fall again! I’ve decorated my house and turned Maddie’s sensory table into a Fall themed table. I will start out with a confession. Each time I put together a theme or a sensory […]

Farm-Themed Music and Movement Activities Featuring the Stretchy Band
Farm-Themed Music and Movement Activities Featuring the Stretchy Band Our bestselling stretchy band has everything you need for a fun-filled day of music and movement, from a durable cover to a bounceable finish. Here are some lesson plan ideas for using your stretchy band to […]

Back to School Sale and Giveaway 2021
Annual Back to School Sale and Giveaway 2021 It’s our annual Back to School Sale! Each year keeps getting better and better. This year’s giveaway is worth over $700. We are also doing our month long sale! Starts with 20% of all orders and ends […]

Celebrate Summer With the Watermelon Balloon Ball
Celebrate Summer With the Watermelon Balloon Ball Did you know that August 3 is National Watermelon Day? Here are some of my tips for celebrating this day (or any summer day) with music, movement, and a fun watermelon ball from Bear Paw Creek. So […]