
Our Blog on Creative Music and Movement Products

Since 2000, Bear Paw Creek has been designing and manufacturing creative movement props, bags and totes for instruments.  We hope our blog will inspire teachers, therapists, and parents as they seek to enrich the live  of others through music and movement.



Bear Paw Creek Meets Music Therapy Connections

Bear Paw Creek Meets Music Therapy Connections 2012 was an exciting year for Bear Paw Creek.  It started with taking Kat Fulton’s course Online Zen on building a website with wordpress. Learning how to build and maintain a website myself, opened up the door to […]

Springtime Music and Movement Ideas Fabric Balloon Ball Cover Children's Ministry

Welcoming Spring with Music and Movement Activities

Welcoming Spring with Music and Movement Activities As of March 19, it’s officially spring!  I know around some parts of the USA, old man winter has shown up again, but here in Southwest Missouri, we have been enjoying beautiful weather. Julie of Serenade Designs sent […]

Stretchy Band Airplane Ride Music Movement Listening Lessons Music Therapy Session

The Airplane Song with the Connect-a-Stretchy Band

The Airplane Song: Using Props to Connect with Children The longer I have worked as a music therapist, especially in the early childhood setting, the more I appreciate the value of movement props like those created by Bear Paw Creek! I feel like they have […]

Top Music Education Tools Movement Eldercare St. Patrick's Day Fabric Balloon Ball Cover Music Together Pre K Teachers

St. Patrick’s Day Music and Movement

St. Patrick’s Day Music and Movement Inspiration For the last month I have been on the hunt for St. Patrick’s Day fabric.  For awhile I thought I was hunting the elusive four leaf clover, or even worse that rascally leprechaun!  I prevailed and finally found […]

Best Dance Therapy Tools Rainbow Set of Twelve Chiffon Scarves 25 inch Pre K Teachers

Creative Movement Scarves Activities

Creative Movement Scarves Activities I don’t know about where you live but March brings wind, wind, and more wind here in Southwest Missouri!  Do to the encouragement of Miss Carole of Macaroni Soup, I started to carry sets of movement scarves a few years ago. […]

Top Dance Games Lesson Plans Children's Librarian Stretchy Band Make Moments Matter with David Row Middle School Teachers

Stretchy Band Row Row Row Your Boat

Stretchy Band “Row Row Row Your Boat” “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” must be one of the first musical movement songs I learned as a child.  This song is versatile as you can sing it slow or fast, and create a different atmosphere.  You can […]

Unique Action Songs Lessons Dynamic Movement Connect-a-Stretchy Band Miss Carole MacSoup Librarians

Start Using Stretchy Bands for Creative Movement and Music Enrichment Today

Start Using Stretchy Bands for Creative Movement & Music Enrichment Today Music therapists are in on the secret. They know how much fun it is to use stretchy bands for creative movement and music enrichment. We all know that getting people to move can be […]

Valentine Themed Stretchy Bands For Music Movement Music Therapists

Valentine Music and Movement Songs for Music Therapy Props

Valentine Music and Movement Songs for Music Therapy Props I had fun making Valentine inspired music and movement props this year: balloon ball stretchy band streamers I’m also sharing some music and activities you can enjoy for this special time of extra love! Music Resources […]


January is #mtadvocacy (music therapy advocacy) month Are you a connector,  reflector, or director?  The following article written by Dena Register, PhD, MT-BC explains what that means.  While I am not a music therapist by trade, I love the profession and am humbled to consider […]

Best Creative Movement Prop Bear Paw Creek Rainbow Stretchy Band Music Educators Website Footer

Stretchy Band Creative Movement Prop Used in Eldercare

Stretchy Band Creative Movement Prop Used in Eldercare I came across this video review of the stretchy band by Becky Watson, MT-BC of Music 4 Wellness and wanted to make sure to share it with you.  Check it out below! Stretchy Band Used in Eldercare […]

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