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Miss Carole’s Macaroni Soup Specials


Miss Carole’s Macaroni Soup Specials


“Children learn by moving through their environment, and music helps them MOVE! Active music participation promotes tip-top brain and body growth and provides opportunities for children of all abilities to work on social, emotional and physical skills. It also facilitates the acquisition of early literacy skills: rhyme, pattern, sequence, vocabulary, crossing the midline, rhythm, tracking – and more!”  Carole Stephens, Macaroni Soup

Miss Carole’s Macaroni Soup Children’s Music and Movement Products

If you have found yourself on this page – you are in for a treat of a good deal!

We are so excited to be collaborating with Carole Stephens of Macaroni Soup!  She has such a passion for what she does and draws one in from her vivacious personality.  She has been the driving force behind adding a teacher/leader streamer and behind our new scarf sets.  Combining her ten award winning CDs, which you can now purchase HERE at Bear Paw Creek, with their music and movement products is a sure way to bring creative learning to your class.

Macaroni Soup Active Music for Active Kids

Miss Carole says:

“Children learn by moving through their environment, and music helps them MOVE! Active music participation promotes tip-top brain and body growth and provides opportunities for children of all abilities to work on social, emotional and physical skills. It also facilitates the acquisition of early literacy skills: rhyme, pattern, sequence, vocabulary, crossing the midline, rhythm, tracking – and more!”

Miss Carole Macaroni Soup Children's Music Performer and Educator Dance Move Learn Groove

So if you have been privileged to be at one of her workshops and she ran out of our music products, here you can still get her special pricing!


Mac Soup Special  –  MSRP $107  Miss Carole’s Price: $95
  • Recommended for using for up to 12 children
  • 1 Medium Stretchy Band
  • 13 Scarves
  • Rainbow Balloon Ball
Soupersized  –  MSRP $152  Miss Carole’s Price $130
  • Recommended for use for 12-24 children
  • Large stretchy Band
  • 25 Scarves
  • Rainbow Balloon Ball

Best Classroom Set Macaroni Soup Special Balloon Ball Chiffon Scarves Medium Stretchy Band Early Childhood Education





Macaroni Soup Special, Soupersized


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