Soft Carrying Bag for Suzuki Qchord
Do you ever shop on It happens to be one of my favorite places to shop. With my busy life, being able to shop from home, and have it delivered is a huge time saver. I also like being able to read customer reviews of products in making a decision and for improving our products.
Some of our products have been listed on Amazon for several years, but last year I became an Amazon seller myself. In doing so, there were some negative reviews of the soft carrying bag for Suzuki QChord I designed back in 2000. I tackled fixing the pocket first. Recently I have updated the zipper. I had reports of the zipper teeth falling apart after one use! That is not acceptable at all. So I have now updated the zippers to a coil zipper compared to a toothed zipper.

Updated and Improved Qchord Carrying Bag for Suzuki’s Qchord
This also made me go on the hunt for a Qchord of my own to use for quality control. They hold their price, even used! While I was sewing, I thought someone has to have a broken Qchord that I could get. Quick search on google and I came across this post by one of West Music’s music therapists. A few emails to one of my contacts at West Music and they sent me a broke Qchord with one of my original bags along with it. The bag was pitiful! I am not sure the picture does it justice, but I have come along way in fabric choices and knowledge of bag construction.
I had another customer contact me that her Suzuki Qchord fit in the bag, but she wasn’t able to zip it! Temporary panic, since that had never happened in 14 years. Come to find out she was using Dunlop Dual Design Straplock System, (pictured below) as this allows her to carry the Qchord around and let clients strum it. This system is screwed in the ends of the Qchord. In the discussion she also suggested changing the pocket to allow for carrying an Ipad. So, I am working on a custom bag for her, and it may become a new option or replace the current design.
Do you use a Qchord? Do you have any suggestions or think being able to carry an ipad would make your life simpler? Please leave a comment and let me know!