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DiscoverDance Movement Props


DiscoverDance Movement Props


Bear Paw Creek and DiscoverDance have teamed up to bring you an exclusive set of dynamic movement props in a jeweled color tone.

Andrea Trench is a dance educator with over 20 years of teaching experience. Holding a B.F.A. in Dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Andrea specializes in early childhood dance education as well as modern dance. She is the co-founder of Elite Dance Academy in Homer Glen, Illinois as well as the owner of DiscoverDance Early Childhood Dance Education.

The DiscoverDance Early Childhood Program was founded in 2017 by dance educator, Andrea Trench. The program offers studio owners and teachers conceptual based dynamic movement lesson plans, marketing materials, music playlists, and videos of class activities for ages 5 and under. Since launching, DiscoverDance can be found in dance studios in Costa Rica, Greece, Australia, Canada, and across the United States.

Hoop Ribbon Streamers in DiscoverDance colors!  You will receive a set of 6 hoop streamers with 24″ long ribbons on 4″ polycarbonate hoops in a drawstring bag.  $30

Colorful Senstory Integration Hoop Jewel Toned Ribbon Streamers Andrea Trench Discover Dance Childcare Directors


DiscoverDance Square Bean Bag Set includes 12 bean bags and a storage bag.  $28

Two of each color:  Fuchsia, Orange, Yellow, Lime Green, Turquoise, Purple

Top Discover Dance Jeweled Tone 4 Inch Square Bean Bags Pre K Educators


This DiscoverDance scarf set includes thirteen 24″x 24″ unhemmed chiffon scarf squares. It includes a mesh storage bag with one white teacher/leader scarf and two each of: Fuchsia, Orange, Yellow, Lime Green, Turquoise, Purple


Top Dance Therapy Tools 25_ Square Chiffon Scarves Preschool Discover Dance Early Childhood Teachers

The DiscoverDance Balloon Ball is a fabric ball that has a slit in the bottom to place a 12″ balloon into it and blow it up!  These are great for packing along and also make playing with a balloon much safer.


Best Dance Games Discover Dance Balloon Ball Andrea Trench Dance Instructors


DiscoverDance Connect-a-Stretchy Band is 6 feet long. This allows for you to use this dynamic movement prop straight or buckle it together into a circle. Two of these buckled together equal one medium stretchy band.  These are also fantastic for those that facilitate different group sizes.  Two pack:  MSRP $60



Best Discover Dance Andrea Trench Custom Colored Stretchy Band Dance Education

Get the complete DiscoverDance and Bear Paw Creek Movement Prop Set Bundled Together.

Includes the following:

  • 2 DD Connect-a-Stretchy Bands
  • 12 DD Bean Bags
  • DD Scarf Set of 13
  • One DD Balloon Ball
  • Set of 6 DD Hoop Rainbow Ribbon Streamers
  • DD Conceptual Coloring Pages Pack

MSRP $160    Your Price: $130

Best Community Dynamic Movement DiscoverDance Movement Prop Set Preschool Teachers


Discover Dance Options

DD Balloon Ball, DD Scarf Set of 13, DD Medium Stretchy Band, DD Square Bean Bags, DD Movement Prop Set, DD Connect-a-Stretchy Band, DD Rainbow Hoop Streamers


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