Pumpkin Balloon Ball Jack O Lantern
Like many, fall is my favorite time of the year. Cool crisp morning with beautiful days to play in. The trees haven’t started changing their color here yet, but I am looking forward to that. It also brings inspiration for fun crafts and yummy treats to be made.
Last year we created a fun new pumpkin balloon ball. You can read about who inspired the idea in this blog post here. It also lead to the watermelon balloon ball this summer, and we have a few more in the idea stage – an apple and a Christmas ornament.
This week I had the idea to use sticky back foam and let the kids decorate the pumpkin balloon balls. I think this might be a fun treat for kids to take turn decorating the pumpkin for the day. You could also use black paper, tape/glue stick. I liked the sticky foam as it stuck on while tossing it about, and was also re-usable.

The Steps
1- Gather supplies: pumpkin ball, balloon, paper, pen, scissors, sticky back foam, creative genius
4 – LAUGH!
2 -Insert the balloon and blow it up!
5 – Put on your face.
3 – Plan out your design. Drawing it out on the back of the foam is an easy way to do this!
6 – Finished pumpkin heads!
In the picture you’ll see two different variations of the pumpkin. There is a divide here as to who likes the plain orange fabric versus the mottled fabric. Leave a comment and let me know which you would vote for!
I love your stuff! I think the balloon balls are an ingenious idea!