Music & Movement: Why We Dance in Circles
In this blog post I share some observations about connecting through circles, and I reveal how my brain had a total DISconnect!
Last week Kindermusik released a blog post entitled: Music & Movement: Why We Dance in Circles.

Why a Circle?
“Circle dances come from the wonderful tradition of communities dancing together, a tradition which is timeless in origin and yet relevant today in its capacity to foster togetherness. Dancing in a circle actually benefits the mind, body, and spirit.” (Michaelsen)
This excited me, as our stretchy band and connect-a-stretchy band are obviously created to be used in a circle. Thinking about circles and how many places we use them in our life and community has gotten me thinking.
Drum circles, circle time, circle dances, rings, and so much more. I used to lead a 4-H group, and sitting in a circle changed the group dynamics. It does bring togetherness and it is hard to “hide” in a circle.
If you’ve been reading about the connect-a-stretchy band, you know it’s been a meeting of the minds, a collaborative creation. Read about it in this post.
Part of the excitement is how many different groups and communities can be connected through the connect-a-band. One of my recent orders for the connect-a-band was for 4 small and an 8 Hub. The customer’s response to a question is exactly what we are hoping to achieve.
“I appreciate your email to me regarding the choice! Great customer service! I think I would prefer one large bag. I chose the connect a-band option because I teach Early Childhood Ed., and thought when I do home visits, the small would be perfect. When we do small groups, perhaps a medium would be best, but it’s fun to take multiple groups to the playground and use a giant one with a bunch of children. I think the connect-a-bands are the perfect way to accommodate all scenarios. I’m excited for them to arrive!”
But then …… EPIC FAIL.
“I just received my Connect-a-Bands and there is a major problem. 3 of the bands have the same clip on both ends making it impossible to connect them to anything. The fourth one has the other half of the clip on both ends. This is not what I wanted. I though they each were to have one male and one female chip on each end so you could use just one or connect them all together? They won’t even work with the hub. Please let me know what you would like me to do. I am very disappointed.”
What? How could I have accomplished that! Through production there are four different steps where I physically touch the buckle ends. How could I have missed that?
Brain Disconnect
My only answer – a total brain DISCONNECT paired with my tendency of being too speedy.
Being connected to my own brain, to others in my life, community, etc has to be intentional or I can miss so many things. Those circles can connect us physically, but also socially. Google is pretty smart, those google+ circles!
Just in case your curious, I offered the customer a total refund or to send correct ones with connectable ends. She chose the correct ones. I enjoyed talking to her on the phone and hope I can redeem myself back to her original excitement over the product.