Bear Paw Creek Celebrates 20 Years
January 2020 marks the 20th year that Bear Paw Creek has been in business! This post will be taking a look back and looking forward to the future.
January 2000 brought my husband and our 1 year old son living in Springfield, Missouri. We had moved from Alaska just a few months before. I was trying to figure out a way to make some money working from home. What started out as a conversation with my sister, soon become the idea that has gotten Bear Paw Creek to celebrating 20 years in business!
I am thankful and humbled to have reached this milestone. We're going to kick off the year with a big giveaway to C E L E B R A T E!!!!

Where It All Began
Bear Paw Creek was originally named Props & Bags, Etc. This title was to showcase our main focus on creative movement props and storage for those props, along with bag solutions for instruments and other items the traveling music therapist found a need for. The idea for the business came from a conversation with my sister. As a newly practicing music therapist, she was finding the need for movement props, and also storage solutions. Sewing and creating were some of my favorite things to do and so that become the starting vision for what is now Bear Paw Creek.
As you can see our family has grown right along with the business!

January 2000 - Business was officially started with the name Props & Bags, Etc.
Summer 2000 - More product creation and products pictures taken. First website created and mail marketing began.
May 2001 - Wholesale division begins with West Music as our first customer.
2008 - Brings a new name of Bear Paw Creek and two more wholesale customers, Music is Elementary and Music Together.
2012 - Until this time, BPC mainly operated on wholesale orders. With the invention of WordPress, and the opportunity to control your own e-commerce site, BPC started to build their retail market
May 2013 - Received a phone call that took half our business away (however, it ended up doubling it in the long run) , but ended up being the catalyst that put BPC on a new projection. Retail business continues to grow. Claimed our listings on and begin to pick up more wholesale customers.
2014 - 2019 BPC continues to grow and adds more wholesale customers, with several international. The retail business continues to reach more and we enjoy connecting with others to share music, dance, and lesson plans for our creative movement props.
May 2019 - BPC acquires a.e.IDEAS scarf line which brings even more scarf sizes, colors, and music to our customers.
January 2020 - We celebrate 20 years and look forward to the next 20! We have some fun new projects lined up and are planning year long giveaway to CELEBRATE!
Thank YOU!
Bear Paw Creek turns 20! Read all about the history of their company and enter to win creative movement props and music worth over $250!!! Share on X
Giveaway #1 of 2020
We are joining forces with Rachel Rambach of Listen Learn Music to bring you 12 songs to go with the stretchy band, bean bags, balloon ball, and scarves. They will come in a crocheted yarn basket and also includes our new BPC egg shakers! Worth over $250 and the winner will be drawn February 1.