Miss Carole of Macaroni Soup “Dancing Scarf Blues” With Creative Movement Chiffon Scarves
From this blog post on the stretchy band that Miss Carole of Macaroni Soup wrote, we got connected. I sent her some more goodies, and since then it has been a blast collaborating with her. I hope to meet her in person one day and watch her in action!
“Dancing Scarf Blues” with Scarves
She was on the look out for scarves, so we started carrying our movement sets of 12 and 13 scarves. My kids have enjoyed her music so we shot a quick video with one of her songs using the scarves. You can find the song here on this album.
Get moving with Miss Carole's Dancing Scarf Blues with Creative Movement Chiffon Scarves Share on X
From her blog post about this song she says, “Purpose: Coordination, working with a manipulative safely, vocabulary, especially of directions and opposites, exercise.”
You can find the lyrics and more information from her blog post by clicking here.
Garage sales and thrift stores are a great place to find scarves! You can find our selection on our scarf page. $22 for a set of 13, which includes two of each color, one white leader, in a storage bag. $18 for a set of 12.