Making Music as a Family
Musical instruments have always helped to instill a sense of rhythm in a child, but did you know
that they also help to cultivate social skills? When used in tandem with play, musical instruments
help encourage skills like collaboration and taking turns.
I mean, let's be honest... what parent hasn't said "I just wish my kids would stop arguing and just
get along"? And with the winter weather on its way, a lot of family fun time will need to be
relocated indoors. This can sometimes lead to boredom and kids who have A LOT of energy.
What better solution to a freezing, winter day than to add music.
How can parents encourage creativity, interactivity and a fun playful atmosphere without always
being tied to a screen? My suggestion? Purchase The Tuneful Home Pack! Hi, my name is
JoEllyn Sumner and I am The Tuneful Teacher. Today I’m bringing you a short article about how
families can enjoy music and movement packs at home!

What Musical Instruments are Included?
Bear Paw Creek and I (The Tuneful Teacher) have teamed up to help bring music and movement to families everywhere this winter and beyond!
- You can use the Connect-A-Stretchy Band buckled or unbuckled. Buckle it together and practice making a circle. Use it for circle dances, creative movement, boundary issues, teaching opposites (tension/relaxation), colors, etc. Unbuckle the band and practice walking in a straight line. This is perfect for train songs, walking a tightrope, or creating a make believe parade! I love that this band can grow right along with your child. You can also add more sections later for fun at children’s parties.
- The Jingle Bells on a wrist scrunchie help the smallest of musicians make music. The scarves, streamers on a hoop, and various textured bean bags will help children learn kinesthetically. They do this while moving and expressing themselves through music they dance to.
- Lummi Sticks and Egg Shakers will make finding the beat of songs more interesting with mom and dad -- everything is more interesting with instruments I have found out being a teacher!
- The Balloon Ball is a great way for children to be able to play with balloons. With this fabric they are easier to hold and children won't be afraid of it bursting.
- The Ocean Drum is quite the favorite in my music class. This drum provides some imaginative musical play as you create an underwater soundscape as a family. What else could you find around the house to create “ocean music”?!
- Scarves & Streamers will delight the eye while also bringing stimulation to the entire body. Children can learn directional movement (up, down, side to side) and pathways (forward, backward, zigzag, curved) as well as articulation (staccato vs. legato) and expression (light vs. heavy) through the use of movement props in musical play.
- Bean bags are a classic children's favorite prop! They are easy to toss and catch, and they have a squish to them that all children love. The bean bag set in The Tuneful Home Pack were chosen specifically for their special fabric textures. These textures are sure to add a special tactile stimulus for children of all ages.

How to Use the Tuneful Home Pack
You can use the musical instruments and movement aides in the The Tuneful Home Pack from Bear Creek a number of ways.
Firstly, my First Steps in Music for Infants and Toddlers parent/child music classes. This subscription provides parents worldwide with both virtual, on-demand tutorial videos and access to live, 20-minute online classes.
My videos include songs, rhymes, and techniques to wiggle, tickle, bounce, clap, and tap the steady beat on your infant and/or toddler. Singing, dancing, and playing instruments with your child can grow their brain, so why not get started today? The “musical window” is between the ages of 0-9 years old. Just like learning a language, there is a period of time when children are most receptive to absorbing knowledge and ability. You might be saying to yourself, “I’m a little worried I don’t have the tools?” Fear not! With my tutelage, and this Tuneful Home Pack, you will have endless opportunities to lead musical play in your home.
One hundred years ago, it was more common for infants and toddlers to receive musical nurturing, from parents and older siblings alike -- many modern day parents need to be re-introduced to the songs and rhymes that will develop their children’s musicality. Instruments and movement props are a great vehicle to enhance and extend a child’s musical experience and development.
Just think - it could be as easy as putting an ear bud in your ear, hitting a video's play button on your phone, and repeating what I say/sing - to your child. I use John Feierabend’s curriculum, and the repertoire inside provides excellent examples of music literature and are appropriate for developing the musical mind.
The Tuneful Home Pack can also allow you to use these musical instruments and movement props in:
● Imaginative Play
● Games
● Playing/dancing along with favorite songs
Limited Time Offer
We are so excited for you to grab The Tuneful Home Pack from Bear Paw Creek that right now they are running a special from December 1st - December 6th, 2021!
Buy it now and get all 25 items for $99! (Normally the pack is priced at $125)...