Drawstring Bag Organizing by Music Therapist Kathy Schumacher MT-BC

Drawstring Bag Organizing by Music Therapist Kathy Schumacher MT-BC

Guest blog post by: Kathy Schumacher, MT-BC

When I started my career as a music therapist, I didn’t even know what it meant to be an itinerant.  Apart from the official definition, what it really means is that I need a way to keep my stuff organized as I travel from client to client.

Affordable Organizational Tool Bandana Print Drawstring Bag in Four Sizes Music Therapy Parents

Below is a recent picture of the most frequently used storage space in my office.  It may look a bit cluttered, but rest assured, it is completely organized.  I can also testify to the fact that this organization would not be possible without large quantities of fabric bags — primarily drawstring bags and large tote bags.

Drawstring Bags

Let’s break it down. Because I work part-time and primarily with kids who require a lot of visual aids, I keep a large tote bag packed for each 1:1 client. I have other systems in place for my group sessions.

The tote bags are hanging on sturdy wooden hangers that are padded, made for infant clothing. Once the large tote bags are removed, you can see all the drawstring bags (a little perk of having a talented sister who runs a sewing business).

Organizing for itinerant Music Therapists

I often pick out fabric that is theme based to help me remember what is in each bag. With this current closet, I also have labels above each cup hook.

Drawstring bags in use

Last year for my birthday, I went through a bunch of my scrap fabric, delivered it to my sister and simply asked her to make some bags.  A “bag of bags” is what I got for my birthday and it couldn’t have made me happier–still does, actually.  It is so handy to have a stash of bags for personal and household use.  I highly recommend it!

Tote Bag Storage


Janet Stephens

Janet Stephens

Janet is the founder, designer, and one of the seamstresses behind Bear Paw Creek's made in the USA line of creative movement props, and bags. She is passionate about her faith, family, and loves the journey of learning and growing this life provides.