Celebrate Summer With the Watermelon Balloon Ball
Did you know that August 3 is National Watermelon Day? Here are some of my tips for celebrating this day (or any summer day) with music, movement, and a fun watermelon ball from Bear Paw Creek.
So grab a child or two, a watermelon, and get ready to have fun with these literacy and music activities.

Literacy Fun
I recommend starting out by reading an adorable book called The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli. During one of my last years of teaching preschool, my students asked me to read this book so many times that I could recite it on my own. It’s a memorable story that’s sure to bring lots of laughs and surprises. Here is the book trailer if you aren't familiar with this children's book.
Celebrate Summer with National Watermelon Day with Literacy and Music Share on X
Music and Listening Activities
It’s time to play some melon-tastic games with your Watermelon Balloon Ball from Bear Paw Creek. Begin by having the children pass the ball in a circle while playing Miss Carole’s “Great Big Ball” from her award-winning Season Sings! album.
Each time the chorus ends, whoever is holding the ball lays on the ground. Soft fabric covers up the lightweight balloon, which makes the Watermelon Balloon Ball perfect for rolling up and down each child’s body. Your children will want to hear the song over and over again so that they all have a chance to “get that great big ball!”
Great Big Ball (found here)
Who’s gonna get that great big ball as it rolls around the room?
Who’s gonna get that great big ball as it rolls around the room?
Who’s gonna get that great big ball as it rolls around the room?
Who’s gonna get that great big ball, we’re gonna find out soon!
Look who’s got that great big ball,
Rollin’ from their head to their toes,
Rollin’ from their head to their toes,
Rollin’ from their head to their toes,
Look who’s got that great big ball,
Rollin’ from their head to their toes,
But look out, kiddo! (Pause) Here it goes!
You can insert the child’s name during each verse as well, such as “Janie’s got that great big ball...”.
You and your children will also love using the music therapy watermelon balloon ball with the song “Hot Potato” from Kimbo’s Ball Activity Fun album. The only twist is that instead of stopping the music, the children have to be ready for when it says to pass the ball in the opposite direction. This song is great for developing listening skills, which helps strengthen the brain and calm the mind. Just don’t let the ball touch the ground!
Finish your day of summer fun by treating everyone to a juicy slice of watermelon. Be sure to remind them to spit out the seeds while they’re digging in!
Leave a comment below with how this blog post inspired you, or add your own suggestions! Janet will choose one person to receive one of her custom Bear Paw Creek Watermelon Balloon Balls for free!