Bean Bag Song by Nancy Stewart for Music Games Activities
Bean bags are one of the first items I learned to sew when my Mom taught me as a child. You can read about that in this past blog post.
I imagine bean bags are one of the first movement props you add to your goody bag. They can be used in so many different activities from throwing/catching, touching the body with, balancing, stacking, sorting, and for different music games activities.

The Song
You can find the complete lyrics and songs here on Nancy Stewart’s site. You can also print lyrics, sheet music and get the mp3 for…FREE! The kids and I did a quick video for fun.
1. Put your beanbag under your chin
That’s the way this song begins
Put your beanbag down on the ground
and take a little walk around it now.
Jump over it once, ready, set, go
Jump over it again, pick your beanbag up and
Toss it hand to hand for this is not the end my friend.
2. Put your beanbag on you head
Now put it down on your knees instead
Put your beanbag down on the ground
and take a little walk around it now.
Jump over it once, ready, set, go
Jump over it again, pick your beanbag up and
Toss it hand to hand for this is not the end my friend
Toss your beanbag up in the air and catch it if you can
Beanbags up and beanbags down,
And beanbags sometimes on the ground.
3. Put your beanbag on you head
Now put it down on your knees instead
Put your beanbag down on the ground
And take a little walk around it now.
Jump over it once, ready, set, go
Jump over it again, pick your beanbag up and
Toss your beanbag in the air for this is the end my friend!
Bean Bag Song by Nancy Stewart for Music Games Activities Creative Movement Share on X