Movement Props Back to School Sale and Giveaway 2018
It’s that time a year again! Everyone is gearing up, prepping, and planning for the school year. We are excited to offer our annual back to school sale again this year with our biggest giveaway to date!
August 1 -7 20% off – Code: 20for2018
August 8-15 15% off – Code: 15for2018
August 16-31 10% off – Code: 10for2018
We are also celebrating the trademark of Bear Paw Creek. We can now officially use the ® symbol!
We have partnered with some amazing folks to bring you a prize back over $500 (they keep getting bigger!). Winner will be announced August 29!

The Giveaway Scoop
As I get connected with more creators, it brings more inspiration and ideas to use with Bear Paw Creek movement props. This giveaway is benefiting greatly from these old and new friends which reminds me of one of my favorite poems.
“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold” 1925, Girl Scout Songbook
Check out this year’s sponsors, with a prize pack valued over $500!
- Barefoot Books Singable Books: “If You’re Happy and You Know It“, “Shape Song”, and “Driving My Tractor” – $30
- Bear Paw Creek NEW Primary set of 6 connect-a-stretchy bands with Hub 12 – $180
- Bear Paw Creek’s Square Bean Bags – $20
- Bear Paw Creek’s Set of 13 Primary Ribbon Wrist Streamers with white Leader Ribbon – $50
- Children’s Music Network Yearly Membership – $75
- Dynamic Lynks “Mini Musical Minds” – $25
- Listen Learn Music “Time to Sing Hello Pack” $12
- Miss Carole of Macaroni Soup “Sticky Bubble Gum” cd with BPC Custom Balloon Ball – $37
- Music Therapy Connections “Movement Props in Practice 3 CMTE Course” – $85
- Sing Play Create “Stretchy Band Creative Movement Pack” – $15.50
- Tuneful Teaching “I Can Sing My Alphabet Sounds” – $15
GRAND TOTAL: $544.50
Annual back to school movement props, literacy, continuing ed, giveaway and sale at Bear Paw Creek! Share on X
More Info About the Goodies
Since 2000 Bear Paw Creek has been creating movement props and creative instrument cases and storage bags. Bear Paw Creek became a Barefoot Books Ambassador in 2017. Their singable story books are a great fit to incorporate with music time. They have many quality books and their cooperative games are becoming a favorite as well.
Carole Stephens of Macaroni Soup is a long time advocate of BPC products. I love our connection as it has brought some fun new balloon ball inspiration, including the Sticky Bubble Gum that goes with her cd. She also got me connected with Children’s Music Network. I became a member this year and highly recommend them. They are giving a way a yearly membership! Check out this video to learn more.
Dynamic Lynks offers Holistic Therapy through Music and Movement. Alyssa continues to write and create new songs that you are sure to find useful.
Rachel Rambach of Music Therapy Connections and Listen Learn Music, wrote the first song, “Movin’ in the Circle” with (currently) 33K views on YouTube for the stretchy band back in 2012. She is one of Bear Paw Creek’s golden friendships! She has teamed up with Katie Kamerad and they are continually putting out new music and are outstanding resource for music and movement. One of their recent projects is to create a CMTE course about utilizing BPC props in practice.
Tuneful Teaching is all about using music to help kids learn with a primary focus on teaching literacy.
Would love to win this to use in my classroom.