15 Stretchy Band Music and Movement Favorites from Bear Paw Creek Customers
Back in December I had fun in our Bear Paw Creek Facebook Group showing gratitude to our customer with a month long giveaway!
In one of the giveaways I gave away our newest addition to the stretchy band family, the primary set of 6 connect-a-stretchy bands. To enter they shared how they would want to use a stretchy band, if they didn’t have one, and favorite music and movement ideas if they do use one.
I have finally put them together to share. I hope they bring some inspiration for new ways to use the stretchy band!

List and Link to PDF
These ideas all come from Bear Paw Creek’s Facebook Group. I use this group to offer special promotions, get feedback on new product development, and a place to get to know our customers more. All of these ideas are credited right back to the people that suggested them! Come join us using this link.
I had fun creating a infographic and also a pdf file you can download and print. This will make it easy to share or save to your files for your easy access.
15 Music and Movement Ideas to use with Bear Paw Creek's stretchy band, straight from our customers! Share on X
List and Link to PDF
Here are the fifteen favorite suggestions and you can also choose to download the file to save.
15 favorite music and movement activities with the stretchy band
1 – “Walkin’ Ol Joe” – The kiddos love to pull back and stretch on the Whoa!
2 – My favorite activities incorporate speech and language goals while working on range of motion, as well, with little ones.
3- Eldercare: It keeps everyone connected in a circle and we can make the stretchy band travel around the circle go up and down, side to side, etc. to increase range of motion and exercise. The connection concept is used for talking about the connections we have in life and how it changes over the years, from childhood into adulthood.
4- I love our stretch band and use it to teach directions to our preschoolers – while sitting we do forward and backward, up and down, side to side and freeze! The older ones do the exercises standing and moving around the circle. Our students love the colors and the stretchiness adds to the excitement in class!
5- One of our favorite activities with my older students is “Riding that Train” when all kiddos work together to walk/run the band though the classroom!
6- I rewrote the verse of Zum Gali Gali to include movement directions, this is especially useful for my younger preschoolers since it is very simple and includes a section for free movement.
7- I love my rainbow stretchy band. My early childhood groups sing “I’ve got a rainbow in my hand” to the tune of he’s got the whole world in his hands. We do color identification, movement, and body part identification with it.
8- Stretchy bands are great for any kind of circle dance, but I especially love using it for Lukey’s Boat with a rowing motion and asking kids to name colors to paint lukey’s boat.
9- My early childhood groups sing “I’ve got a rainbow in my hand” to the tune of he’s got the whole world in his hands. We do color identification, movement, and body part identification with it.
10- My kinders LOVE using the stretchy band with Jim Gills song “Took a Bath in a Washing Machine.” We use different motions for the verses, and then pass on the chorus!!
11- I love using a stretchy band for Lynn Kleiners “Waves”, and Artie Almeida activities! I use it to learn the note durations with the song Rocky Mountain too!
12- I use them for a song in Spanish. We all fall back on “Nooooo”. They also work very well to engage our students with Autism.
13- The song is “If You’re Holding”
14- Pretending we are riding horses while listening to the William Tell Overture!
15- We love our connect a stretchy band for Wheels on the bus, row your boat, clippity clop, movin in a circle and a few more favorites. Our recent favorite was sliding circle jingle bells (like the kind made to hold and ring) onto the stretchy band and reconnecting the stretchy band and doing the Jingle Bells and Stop song by Miss Carole.